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The University of Adelaide
South Australia , Adelaide
農業(yè)與林業(yè) 法律 會計與金融 計算機科學與信息系統(tǒng) 土木與結構工程 醫(yī)學


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阿德萊德大學位于澳大利亞南部阿德萊德市,阿德萊德大學有四個校區(qū),大部分的學生都在主校區(qū)—North Terrace,Waite和Roseworthy校區(qū)提供位于主校區(qū)以南8公里及50公里處農業(yè)課程。Thebarton校區(qū)距離市中心以西約5公里處,是學校的主要研究中心,并與當地的工商界維持密切的聯系。

North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5005, Australia
SA 5005
+61 8 8313 5208

阿德萊德大學始建于1874年,位于澳大利亞的南部,是澳大利亞第三所最古老的大學。1872年,南澳大利亞浸信會、公理會和長老教會共同創(chuàng)建了一所聯合學院(Union College)-“為年輕人提供高等教育”。開設的課程包括:經典著作、哲學、英國文學、數學和自然科學。同年,一位富有的牧場主和銅礦主沃爾特·華生·休(Walter Watson Hughes)先生提議為這所新成立的學院捐資20,000 英鎊,這在當時是筆巨額資金,足以創(chuàng)建一所大學而綽綽有余。于是阿德萊德大學誕生了,而一項有關“組建并資助阿德萊德大學”的提案也于1874年11月6日得到總督的首肯。1876年3月,阿德萊德大學開始授課,授予的第一個學位是文學士。1876年4月25日阿德萊德大學舉行正式落成典禮,并于1877年5月2日宣布正式成立。當時因為有73名其他大學的畢業(yè)生以同等學歷(ad eundem gradum)身份申請阿德萊德大學學位而成立了學術評委會(Senate)。一個多世紀以來,阿德萊德大學的教師,科研人員和畢業(yè)生為學校做出了突出的貢獻。涉及領域包括科學,醫(yī)學,工程,法律,社會科學和藝術表演等方面。阿德萊德大學有著優(yōu)良的傳統(tǒng)---創(chuàng)新和高質量的科研以及優(yōu)秀的教學都為學生的學習提供保證。該校發(fā)展國際化并且進一步提升師資力量,同時也創(chuàng)造更多的企業(yè)化機會。阿德萊德大學還有著很好的學術環(huán)境,是一個和睦的團體。


阿德萊德大學院系設置為:人文和社會科學學院;建筑、景觀建筑和城市設計學院;商學院;經濟學院;教育學院; 阿德萊德法學院;理學院;工程、計算機和數學科學學院;健康科學學院。


1.精算學:澳洲國立大學(ANU)是澳洲四所能提供完整精算專業(yè)課程的其中一所,也是唯一被澳洲精算師協會(Institute of Actuaries of Australia)認定有資格授予精算學學士(Bachelor of Actuarial Studies)和精算學碩士(Master of Actuarial Studies)學位的大學。2.計算機學:國家計算機基地(National Computational Infrastructure;NCI),由澳洲聯邦政府、聯邦科學與工業(yè)研究組織(CSIRO)和澳洲國立大學(ANU)共同投資。超級電腦Vayu:大洋洲最先進的超級電腦,由ANU負責運作管理。3.語言學:ANU是亞太地區(qū)的語言學研究與教學之重鎮(zhèn),2012年在世界大學語言學領域排行第9名(參考條目:語言學領域大學排行列表),包括標準漢語、廣東話、蒙古語、臺灣南島語、日語、韓語、泰語、馬來語等等;ANU也是自然語義理論(Natural Semantic Metalanguage;NSM)學派的大本營。4.社會科學:澳洲國立大學歐洲研究中心(ANU Centre for European Studies;ANUCES),隸屬ANU人文與社會科學學院。由歐盟委員會(European Commission)和ANU共同成立。另外還有MBA,會計學,經濟學,統(tǒng)計學等。




阿德萊德大學宿舍靠近校園,交通方便。所有房間都配備了全套的家具并提供電力,這一切均包含在住宿費里。The University of Adelaide Village:阿德萊德大學專門為學生建造的新的住宿設施,提供多種住宿選擇,可容納403名學生。坐落在阿德萊德西端的中央商務區(qū),在監(jiān)管的環(huán)境中為學生提供獨立的生活。學生可以選擇住在配套齊全的住宅樓或公寓。社區(qū)每周7天、每天24小時都有人值班,提供了一個安全有利的環(huán)境,并十分注重培養(yǎng)學生的團體意識。完善的服務和設施為學生獲得學術成功提供了保障,對本科新生和初到阿德萊德的學生特別有幫助。CITI Townhouses: 提供設施完備的三房宿舍,包括廚房、起居室/餐室、浴室、洗衣房設施、陽臺、遠程控制裝置和空調。位于理想的西區(qū),靠近中央市場和餐館,步行片刻即可到達校園。對喜歡獨立生活方式的高年級本科生和研究生是一個理想的選擇。Mattanya: 提供設施齊全的4-5房的宿舍,建于北阿德萊德學校自有的土地上。步行即可到達校園,靠近墨爾本街咖啡和餐館區(qū)。適合研究生居住。Roseworthy Residential College: 宿舍大樓由92個配套齊全的單間,廚房和浴室共用。住宿費包含平日的晚餐,其他用餐時間可以選擇自炊。Subsidised Accommodation: 住宿補貼由阿德萊德大學提供,主要對象為經評估確認有經濟或特殊需要的一年級學生,為他們進入私人出租市場前提供的一種幫助方式。該計劃提供一系列的校外房屋和公寓,通常在Adelaide或Waite校區(qū)5公里半徑之內,交通方便。第一個租賃期最少6個月,這一時期結束時,通過租賃審查有可能再延長最少6個月的租賃期。Residential Colleges:與五個住宿學院的緊密聯系使阿德萊德大學可以充分地滿足學生的住宿需求,學院提供膳食和每周一次的房間清潔。這些學院包括:Aquinas College、Lincoln College、St Ann's College、St Mark's College、Kathleen Lumley College。Other Accommodation:如果以上的住宿方式均不適合,住宿服務仍然可以幫助提供意見,確保安全的私人住房或學生宿舍。對于已經到達阿德萊德但還未找到滿意的長期住宿者,或當朋友或家人來訪需要住宿時,酒店式公寓是一個很好的選擇。





為你找到 637 個相關專業(yè)
  • 36000澳幣
    Applicants must be Registered Nurses, with current registration, who have established themselves in their chosen field of professional practice (normally with at least 5 years of experience working as a RN), and who hold a Masters degree in Nursing (or a cognate discipline). A Masters degree which contains only coursework will not be accepted for entry into the DNurs program. Applicants without a Masters degree, but who have an Honours degree in Nursing, with at least IIA standard, may be considered if they have substantial clinical experience, evidence of continuing professional development and academic ability (e.g. publications) and an adequate level of basic research knowledge. As well as academic ability and professional experience, DNurs applicants should be highly motivated to become researchactive practitioners and ultimately, clinical and professional leaders. The program is particularly suitable for RNs who are Charge Nurses, Unit Directors, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Advanced Practitioners or Nurse Consultants. An applicant may only be enrolled as a candidate for the degree if the proposed field of study and research is acceptable to the School of Nursing.
    This professional doctorate is specifically aimed at experienced registered nurses who are seeking to extend their professional and research capacities. The Doctor of Nursing (DNurs) requires the student to make a significant and original contribution to knowledge through research, evidenced by the completion of three linked research projects presented in a research portfolio. In the DNurs, students are expected to use a range of research methods to investigate their chosen topic in order to gain a broad understanding of research. In addition, the research must be practice-based. Thus, the DNurs is particularly suitable for clinicians who wish to investigate topics relating directly to their own sphere of practice. The DNurs is a practice orientated academic program, which is designed to prepare graduates to act effectively as leaders in the nursing profession. In keeping with this, the program aims to produce graduates who are able to respond effectively to the many challenges and problems of modern health care.
  • 33500澳幣
    The Doctor of Philosophy is the University’s flagship research award and is the standard pre-requisite for a career in research or academia. The PhD involves three – four years of research for a full-time candidate or the equivalent in half-time candidature. As one of the most highly research-intensive and respected universities in Australia and a member of the prestigious Group of Eight, The University of Adelaide is the smart choice for your research program. The University is committed to providing unique opportunities for graduates and researchers who are recognised as worldwide leaders for their vision and capacity to address global research challenges. All research students at the University have the opportunity to broaden their research experience by choosing from amongst the extensive range of Career and Research Skills Training (CaRST) programs on offer.
  • 35500澳幣
    Activities in this area fall into two major areas: Design of processing system disinfection for the elimination of contaminating micro-organisms, e.g. sterilisation and chilling and freezing operations with emphasis on the kinetic modelling of micro-organism behaviour. Design, modelling and simulation of processing systems for the production of recombinant proteins from genetically engineered micro-organisms and for the production of non-specific growth factors from by-product cheese whey.
  • 110澳幣
    The overall objectives of the Centre are to: ■evaluate the performance of dental materials and treatment, both in the clinic and the laboratory; ■investigate new materials and techniques; ■encourage practising dentists to participate in clinical and laboratory research of dental materials; ■provide an active, interesting and attractive scientific environment in which international researchers can participate; ■liaise with the dental industry
  • 110澳幣
    The Craniofacial Biology Research Group is involved in several areas of research activity, including craniofacial genetics and development, tooth emergence and oral health, tooth wear, and masticatory anatomy. Analyses based on a large collection of records of Australian twins and their families obtained over the past 30 years is enabling us to elucidate the contributions of genetic, epigenetic and environmental influences to variation in facial and dental features. Clinical and experimental studies of tooth wear are clarifying how processes such as corrosion, abrasion, attrition and abfraction can lead to loss of tooth structure. Apart from collaborations with colleagues in Australia, our group is actively working with other research groups in the UK, Finland and Japan and is actively involved as part of the International Collaborating Network in Oro-facial Genetics and Development. The Craniofacial Biology Research Group is a member of the Centre for Oro-facial Research and Learning (CORAL), a recognised research centre in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Adelaide and is also part of the NH&MRC's Centre of Clinical Research Excellence (CCRE) in Oral Health.
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